The College has a range of policies and practices in place for keeping students safe from harm, including all forms of abuse in our school environment, on campus, online and in other locations where College activities occur. The policies take into account relevant legislative requirements within the State of Victoria, including the specific requirements of the Victorian Child Safe Standards as set out in Ministerial Order No. 1359.
The key policies are:
Other related policies accessible to current staff, students and families via SIMON or PAM include:
- Counselling Services Policy
- Employment Practices Policy
- Privacy Policy
- Student Responsible Use of Digital Technologies, Devices and Social Media Policy
- Student Anti Bullying Policy
- Student Behaviour Management Policy
- Student Wellbeing Policy
- Excursions, Camps, Tours and Incursions Policy
- Staff Acceptable Use of Digital Technologies Policy
- Staff Responsible Use of Social Media Policy
- Visitors on Campus Policy

Employment Practices
The College has processes for monitoring and assessing the continuing suitability of staff and volunteers to work with students, including regular reviews of the status of Working with Children Checks and staff professional registration requirements such as Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) registration.
At OLMC we provide staff with regular and appropriate opportunities to develop their knowledge of, openness to and ability to address student safety matters. This includes induction, ongoing training and professional learning to ensure that everyone understands their professional and legal obligations and responsibilities, including procedures for reporting suspicion of abuse and neglect.
Child Information Sharing Scheme and Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme
Prescribed Information Sharing Entities should contact OLMC’s Information Sharing Coordinator:
- Mrs Megan Edwards
- Head of Student Wellbeing
- E:
The Coordinator is the initial point of contact for responding to requests and for managing school processes related to CISS, FVISS and MARAM.