Shane Taylor
Head of Faith and Mission

As we celebrate Pentecost this Sunday, let us give thanks to God for the three divine persons we call the Trinity, and in particular, the third person of the Trinity, the ever-present gift of God’s enormous love for and with us. It also represents the glowing presence of our work as we live the gospel and serve the poor. This loving presence of God, whom we call the Holy Spirit, has many representations and many words of explanation. In the New Testament, the Greek word pneuma is used, which is very similar to the Hebrew (Old Testament) ruah. These words can mean to breathe or blow and are primarily denoted by the wind. In Latin, we have used the word paraceletus, to describe the Holy Spirit (in English, paraclete), meaning helper, guide or advocate – someone who assists us, and speaks for and with us. This great feast of Pentecost reminds us and helps us seek that re-connection with our God.

So, we pray…

Holy Spirit, breathe new life into us. Ignite our hearts with your love and inspire us to live out the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Help us to be a beacon of your light in our classrooms, our homes, and beyond.

Guide us in our learning and our friendships. Teach us to listen with open hearts, to speak with kindness, and to act with compassion. May our faith community be a place where everyone feels valued, supported, and inspired to reach their full potential.

Spirit of Wisdom grant us insight and understanding in our studies and daily lives. Help us make wise choices and seek the truth in all that we do.

Spirit of Courage give us the strength to stand up for what is right, to be peacemakers, and to serve others with humility and grace.

Spirit of Unity, draw us closer together as a school community. Help us celebrate our differences and work together in harmony, fostering an environment where every student and teacher feels included and respected.

We ask all this in the name of Jesus Christ, who promised that the Holy Spirit would be with us always.


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