
Edition 16 | 21 October 2022
Judith Weir

Last week the Year 12 students spent the week celebrating the end of their journey at OLMC by dressing to a different theme each day. On Monday we held our Graduation Mass and Dinner for our Year 12 students and their families. It was a fitting celebration of the six-year journey that most of our Year 12 cohort has had at OLMC. It was even more special to be able to gather and then attend the graduation dinner without restriction. The Mass was a wonderful opportunity to recognise our Year 12s and the end of their year with the blessings of God and our community. This was followed by dinner at Marvel Stadium, where we joyfully shared wonderful stories of their six years and a moment of thanks with parents and students. The night signifies the end of formal classes here at OLMC and marks a new journey for our students. It does not, however, mark an end to our relationship. All our students will remain ever linked to OLMC and we will always hold them in our prayers.

We wish all our Year 12 students the very best for their coming exams and share this prayer for them:
Let us especially pray for our Year 12 students as they enter into exams.
God, we ask that they especially feel your closeness during this time.
Give them calm hearts and quiet confidence in the knowledge that you hold them in the palm of your hand.
Bless them with keen understanding and retentive memory.
Give them the ability to grasp things correctly. Point out the beginning, direct their progress and help them in the completion of each of their responses.
Holy Spirit, send them your gifts of wisdom and knowledge.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord.

Author: Mr John O'Sullivan

Last week we held the Art Show. It was the first time since 2019 that we were able to showcase student work and provide the chance to view the work for parents and students. It was also a wonderful opportunity for families to view the Frayne Design Art and Technology Building along with the new walkways. I continue to be awed and inspired by the depth and breadth of talent amongst our students and was privileged to support the awarding of certificates for pieces that hang in the Admin building as part of our Caldow Collection and Year Level awards. Congratulations to all whose pieces were exhibited, we look forward to sharing in the joy of your art works.

World Teachers Day Australia – 28 October 2022

Our teachers and, in fact all teachers, have shown great resilience during challenging times over the last three years, all so they can give their best to our students.

Hats off to teachers this World Teachers’ Day!

We are encouraging students, their families and the community to celebrate teachers.

Shane Taylor
Head of Faith and Mission

At this busy time of the school year, we formally acknowledge and pray for the Year 12s as they conclude their classes and move onto external exams. The College sees itself as the second educators of these inspiring, compassionate and remarkable young people. We join with their parents, caregivers, guardians, and families, asking God to bless them abundantly. During our Graduation Mass on Monday evening, this prayer of presentation was offered by a parent.

Ever-present God - You have given us our children to love and nurture into adulthood and beyond. Now, as we see their progress to the next challenge in life, may you continue to grant us faith and strength to be attentive and care for them. We proudly present them to this faith community. May you help us continue to assist them as they develop their sense of courage, perseverance, and hope for the yet unknown future.
May they find comfort as we walk with them, guided by the gentleness of your Spirit and your compassion. May they continue to grow in wisdom and truth as they face the challenges of the future. May they journey confidently and peacefully with the light of your loving presence. Amen.

Shane Taylor
Head of Faith and Mission

Tuesday 2 November is Commemoration of All of the Faithful Departed or All Souls.

On this day and throughout November, we pray that all those who have died— our loved ones and also those people around the world who we will never meet— through the mercy of God will rest in peace.

Merciful Father,
On this day, we are called to remember those who have died,
Particularly those who have died in the past year,
And pray for their joyful reunion with you, their loving creator.
As your son taught us to call the stranger
neighbour, our fallen are many—

Names we will never know,
Voices we have never heard,
In lands we may never visit,
Yet brothers and sisters all.
And so we pray.
For victims of war, caught in the crossfires of conflicts we could not quell,
for soldiers and civilians, adults and children, we pray …
Grant eternal rest, O Lord.
For those migrants who have died seeking a haven where they hoped to find safety
and opportunity for themselves and for their families, we pray …
Grant eternal rest, O Lord.
For victims of hunger denied their share in the bounty you have placed before us, we pray …
Grant eternal rest, O Lord.
For victims of COVID, AIDS, Malaria, Ebola, and other infectious diseases,
who died before adequate care could reach them, we pray …
Grant eternal rest, O Lord.
For those refugees seeking asylum from war,
who died in a land that was not their home, we pray …
Grant eternal rest, O Lord.
For victims of emergencies and calamities everywhere,
who died amid chaos and confusion, we pray …
Grant eternal rest, O Lord.
Lord, as you command, we reach out to the fallen.
We call on you on behalf of those we could not reach this year.
You raised your son from the dead
that all may share in his joyful resurrection.
In Jesus' name, we pray, Amen.

The structure of the Pastoral and Wellbeing Program at OLMC aims to provide consistent support for students over the three-year cycle of Middle and Senior School. We get to know our students well during this time, and as a result, many of the staff prepared for fond farewells of the Class of 2022 on Monday.

This group arrived in Senior school in Year 10 in 2020, then were thrown into lockdown after only one term. The reality of completing the last few years of high school in a COVID world was challenging. However, we were always buoyed by the resilience, enthusiasm and courage of this cohort. They worked together as a team to support each other, empowered together.

Over the past week our Year 12 Class of 2022 celebrated all that they have achieved in their time at OLMC. We giggled at their clever memes and enjoyed the various outfit choices in their week of dress ups. We loved seeing them reminisce about their time together in Pastoral as they opened their Year 7 time capsules. On Monday night we farewelled them with Mass and celebrated their achievements together with their families.

We wish them all the best in the coming weeks and hope that they will look back on their time at OLMC with fond memories.

Jemma Banfield, Deb Daly, Hayley Gamble-Curran and Kathryn Williams
Senior Level House Coordinators

Congratulations to all of our students and their teachers for another successful OLMC Art Show and Caldow Collection opening. We were so proud of the works created this year and the ‘creative risks’ our students have taken to put themselves and their work out for display.

With the first post COVID Art Show/Caldow collection opening held in the new Frayne Design, Art and Technology Centre, there was a great sense of excitement about the possibilities of this new space, especially with the chance to better integrate our Food Studies kitchens into the show. Our Food Assistants Marisa Brazzale and Janine Kerr were integral to making sure our students were able to keep our guests well fed.

The ‘Design Thinking’ focus developed across the Learning Area has paid off, with visitors commenting on the consistent improvement in the range and quality of skills on display and a continual evolution of experimentation in new materials and artistic forms.

In the Investigating/Generating stage of the design process, Design Art and Technology students consider factors such as how their work will engage specific audiences, deliver for a client's needs or communicate ideas and aesthetic qualities. They also reflect on issues around environmental, economic and social impacts when developing solutions to issues or in the creation of their art. This ultimately allows students to articulate the intention and processes behind the creation of their works.

Presenting an Art Show requires teamwork and a mammoth amount of effort. DAT technician, practising artist and curator Adrian Stojkovich was an integral member of the team. His artistic mentorship of the students and his curating skills ensured the students’ work was worthily and creatively showcased.

Congratulations to all students whose work was exhibited and to the Subject Winners for 2022.

More works can be seen on our DAT instagram page- www.instagram.com/DATOLMC

Subject : Food StudiesYear 8

Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12


Gracie R. (8JSE)
Bianca C. (9DCA)
Ava B. (CBRY)
Katelyn D. (CBRY)
Alyssa B. (LJVA)

Madeleine L. (ASSE)

Subject: MediaYear 9
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12


Alana P. (9JGU)
Ruby H. (CCTR)
Sophia F. (LRJO)
Rebeccah H. (CRIV)

Eleanor P. (CRIV
Subject: Art

Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12


Eva J. (7LDA)
Sophie S. (8MKY)
Alexa K. (9DCA)
Ella P. (LKPA)
Alessia K. (MSHO)
Phoebe M. (CSGP)

Alyssa V. (LKPA)

Subject: Fashion

Year 9
Year 10

Erika D. (9DCH)
Ruby S. (MMWI)

Olivia C. (CSGP)

Subject: Graphics/VCDYear 9

Year 10
Year 11
Year 12


Isabella L. (9DCA)
Chloe W. (APSM)
Alyssa L. (AMJE)

Kate L. (MARO)

Julia F. (CCTR)

Mark Jenkinson
Design, Art, Technology Learning Leader

Term 4 is always the time for endings and new beginnings.

This is very much the case in Music at OLMC. Our VCE students undertake a yearly performance where they are able to celebrate their achievements and share their talent with many in the community.

Our VCE music classes performed for family and friends on Monday 10 October in an intimate and joyful VCE Performance Evening which celebrated an almost end to our Year 12 students’ music journey as they prepare for exams. It was also an opportunity for Year 11 students to perform in a positive environment and be inspired by the dedication of our current Year 12 students as they become the inspiration for coming students. You may have also seen our dedicated VCE students playing an important part in the Mercy Day Arts Extravaganza, St Francis Art Show, Graduation Mass and Assembly.

On behalf of all the classroom and instrumental music staff we would like to thank all our Year 12 students for their dedication to the OLMC music program from Year 7. Your adaptability throughout online learning and willingness to look at new ways to do things in the last year have been inspirational. You have displayed a special bond on numerous occasions this year and we are sure that you have made some important friends you will have for life. We hope that leaving OLMC does not mean that your musical journey stops, rather we hope it is a skill you can use throughout your lives to bring you joy. For those students going on to study music at a tertiary institution, good luck and we hope ‘all your dreams come true’.

Cantor Scholarships 2023

“Applications for 2023 CANTOR Scholarships” are now open.

Students who will be in Year 10 in 2023 are invited to apply if they have an interest in representing the College through vocal performance.

Students do not need to be currently undertaking vocal lessons.

The scholarship is valued at approximately $3,500 and the application form can be found on SIMON/PAM.

Completed application forms should be sent to jmileto@olmc.vic.edu.au by Friday 28 October 2022.”

Jo-Anne Mileto
Instrumental Music Coordinator

Year 9 students this semester have had the opportunity to participate in self-defence classes. Two external instructors have taken the students through a three-lesson course. The classes involve both physical and verbal components. Students physically learn how to use their bodies creating the most power and effect. This includes punching, kicking, blocking and ducking. They also focus on how to use your voice as a powerful tool. The trained instructors took the students through certain situations and how best they should take action.

We have enjoyed seeing how engaged all the Year 9 students have been. The program has been running for a number of years and each year we get such positive feedback from the students on its impact.

Here are a few comments from students in Year 9:

“Self-defence is such a different experience and it has been a lot of fun. It has opened my eyes to different situations we could face.”
Holly C. (9LAN)
“Thanks to Luke the instructor and his humour and enthusiasm, I think all the girls really enjoyed the self-defence unit and had lots of fun. It was great to see all the girls getting involved and trying new things and it definitely showed us that you need to be ready in any situation. The self-defence classes taught us the skills we need to be prepared to handle these serious situations.”
Lola F. (9ESC)
“The self-defence unit was really fun and lived up to my high expectations. I learnt how to strike, properly and be safer in the real world. It was a really good and beneficial experience.”
Nari F. (9ESC)

Madeleine Omizzolo
Health and Physical Education Learning Leader

The VCAL students have had a hectic few weeks in our café, THE 7TH LAB. At the end of Term 3, it was Mercy Day that had the VCAL students busy planning and organising. The students were keen to try something new and create a unique café experience, so the Grease Diner was born. They sourced supplies for the day, came up with creative ideas for the menu, promoted the event, and worked non-stop in the café all Mercy Day. With typical 50’s style treats such as ice cream sundaes, spiders and milkshakes with whipped cream (the favourite being the “Pink Lady”), our diner was an absolute hit with students on the day.

Last Thursday, the VCAL students thought it would be a great idea to add a few “throwback” items to our menu as it was the last 7TH LAB for our Year 12s.

Our homemade hedgehogs and honey joys sold out very quickly, and the Year 12s enjoyed their free lolly bag, compliments of THE 7TH LAB.

Well done to the VCAL students for these fun initiatives!

Helen Hamblin
VCAL Coordinator

Last Wednesday a group of 29 Year 7 students joined Mr Walpole, Ms Davies, Ms McCullagh and Ms Boemo at the GSV Year 7 Sport Expo Day, held at Monash University. This day has been longstanding on the GSV calendar, and although it has not run since 2019 due to the pandemic, and even though the torrential rains of last week tried to hold it off again, it was great to be there with exploring the many sporting opportunities on offer for students on the day.

Students from OLMC joined with other Year 7 students from Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar, St Margaret’s, Presbyterian Ladies' College, and Shelford Girls’ Grammar, all of which are schools we competed against in both weekly and carnival sports. These groups then had four rotations experiencing quite a diverse range of sports - many of which were presented by representative players from domestic and state level teams. Some of the sports on offer currently feature in our schools sporting calendar - softball, tennis, hockey, volleyball, AFL, aerobics and cricket. Whilst other sports experienced were quite new to us, including - Ultimate Frizbee, Lacrosse, Goalball, Spikeball, Rugby, Touch footy, Squash, Taekwondo, Lawn Bowls and even Fencing.

It was great to see the Year 7 students branching out not only giving the different sports a go, but also connecting with peers from OLMC and other Year 7 students in the GSV Community. With Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar being there the same day as us, some primary school connections also reunited. For those of us who have already travelled the Secondary school journey, we are well aware that school life is more than just what happens in the classroom. I would like to encourage all students in the OLMC community to take up opportunities that may come their way, to try out a new skill and embrace the personal growth that comes from sometimes stepping outside their comfort zone.

Included below are some statements and reflections from a few of the students who attended on the day.

‘It was great to try some new sports’
Liv (7LSA)
‘The sport expo was an amazing way for me to get to know not only my partner from OLMC, but also others in my group. During one of the sessions, I discovered a hidden talent of mine, lawn bowls.’ Grace (7CCR)
‘I think that branching out and having a go at some different sports we may have never heard of or played before was a great experience. I enjoyed learning about the sports and overall it was a fun day that I would recommend everyone give it a go and have a great time.’
Emma (7DBU)
‘I thought it was interesting to participate in the different sports that GSV had to offer. I really enjoyed the opportunity to try different sports that we wouldn't do at school.’
Allie (7CCR)
I enjoyed going to the sport expo because it was a fun way to connect with friends from OLMC as well as meet new people in activity groups.
Lucy (7DBU)

Stephanie Boemo
Year 7 Level Coordinator

Over the first three days of the September school holidays, 20 of our Year 11 students participated in our Camp Heide program. This program aims to offer a fun school holiday program, run and organised by OLMC students for the children from the Exodus Community in West Heidelberg. Here is one student’s reflections on the experience:

My experience at Camp Heide this year was wonderful.
We got to organise and plan a three-day, fun filled program for vulnerable children from our local community.
We spent weeks planning activities such as a wildlife visit, tote-bag making and portrait painting for the kids to participate in. It was great because we got to join them in doing so and made new bonds with each other and the children who came to the camp. A fan favourite from the camp was seeing everyone interact with the reptiles from the wildlife visit, in both the “OMG! I love that snake” way or even the “OMG! Get that snake away from me, please!” type of way. It was also really rewarding seeing all the kids draw their camp buddies on their tote bags or painting them on their canvases. It was a great experience because we got to develop these wonderful connections but also because we were in charge of planning the camp and handling these responsibilities was a very beneficial experience for all of us.
I loved being able to see my friends for a few days but still feeling like I was doing my part in helping the community and making what might have been those kids’ favourite part of the holidays.
Tiara L. Year 11 (MFTA)

Elise Cooper
Social Justice Coordinator

Follow the official Our Lady of Mercy College accounts on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. We’ll be sharing regular news, student achievements and stories from around the College.

OLMC Lucky Fees Raffle for 2022

Each year the Parents’ Association run a Lucky Fees Raffle to raise funds that support and enhance educational opportunities and the community life at OLMC.

Tickets are $10 each or 10 for $70.

To purchase the tickets please click here - https://www.trybooking.com/CDFGI or go to Trybooking.com and search OLMC

1st Prize

$4000 Voucher for 2023 School Fees or Or Shopping Vouchers

Valued at $4000

2nd PrizeFernwood Bulleen 12month Membership

Valued at $1400

3rd PrizeFarm Vigano Restaurant South Morang VoucherValued at $200
4th PrizeNoone Uniform VoucherValued at $200
5th PrizeNoone Uniform VoucherValued at $200
6th PrizeJax Tyre and Auto VoucherValued at $150
7th PrizeBunnings VouchersValued at $150

The raffle will be drawn on Friday 18 November at the College. Winners will be notified by phone or email and results published in the newsletter.

Your support in the sale of the raffle tickets is gratefully appreciated.

OLMC Parents’ Association

OLMC College Tours

Prospective families are invited on a tour of the OLMC facilities followed by an information session with Principal Judith Weir, Transition Coordinator Rowena Thomson and two students.