As we all know, language and culture are inextricably linked. Over the past few weeks, Languages students at OLMC have been involved in a number of incursions and excursions that have allowed them to deepen their understanding of the culture of the languages they study. The Year 7 students enjoyed a Japanese drumming incursion, whilst the Year 9s experienced a Japanese Yukata (summer version of a Kimono) dress-up incursion. The Year 11 French students also enjoyed an excursion to the Alliance Française in the city.
In addition, several culinary activities for the different languages and year levels have been planned for the coming weeks. Year 9 French students will make crêpes, Year 11 Italian students will make a sweet dessert and Year 10 and 11 Japanese students will enjoy a bento box lunch here at school.
Fleur Davison
Languages Learning Leader
Japanese Drumming
Recently all the Year 7 Japanese students had the opportunity to attend a Japanese drumming incursion where they met Toshi and Junko from Wadaiko. The incursion began with a display of drumming skills called Taiko, traditional Japanese drumming. The students were encouraged to try to master the drums. Everyone was eager to have a turn and Toshi and Junko helped our fellow Japanese classmates put together quite the performance! It was a really fun experience for all the students who participated and we loved watching Toshi and Junko perform and teach us about the ancient Japanese tradition of Taiko.
Anouk H (7LTI) and Scarlett-Rose S (7GAU)
Yukata Dress-Up
Hand stitched traditional clothing lay all around our Japanese classroom as we eagerly walked in. Leanne, our amazing instructor, taught us about the rich history behind these elegant garments, which fascinated all of us. We were all ecstatic about seeing Japanese garments but the real fun came when we were able to try them on ourselves. Leanne gave a beautiful demonstration on how to assemble a yukata properly featuring the big obi belt with a bow at the back and our delicate fans. In partners we were able to choose from a range of patterns, each with rich and stunning patterns, with many shapes and colours. Leanne would occasionally come around to help us out with the assembling of our yukatas until we all looked picture perfect. After being adorned, we took many photos in various different poses, having the time of our lives. We were even lucky enough to show off our stylish attire around the Baggot Building. Over all too soon, we thanked Leanne for her time and the incredible experience she gave us. It was truly such a special incursion for us all because we became immersed in the Japanese culture and experienced it like never before.
Esther H (9LDA) and Aarchi K (9LDA)
Year 11 French Excursion
The Units 1and 2 French students are currently studying the topic of ‘Francophonie’ which looks at countries around the world where French is spoken. As part of this study, they recently took part in a French excursion to the Alliance Française in the CBD, where they participated in a two-hour workshop conducted entirely in French.
The presenter, Aurore, was from Belgium (one of many francophone countries in the world) and she worked with the students to develop their listening, viewing, reading, speaking and writing skills.
The students also enjoyed a taste of France before the workshop, dining at the Roule Galette Crêperie where they had to order in French as well as chat to their classmates in the language.
Here’s what some students had to say about the experience:
‘Personally, one of my favourite parts of the excursion was placing our orders in French with the waiters. Along with this, I loved learning about the Francophonie countries that we haven't learned about in class. It broadened my understanding of French culture around the world.’
Alice R (11MECO)
‘Personally, I found this excursion to be very engaging and enjoyable. Not only were we able to enjoy some extremely tasty galettes/crêpes, but we were able to experience the atmosphere of the restaurant through ordering in French and taking in the environment of the city whilst eating our meal. The workshop was also really useful and relevant to our current topic in class of 'La Francophonie', so it was ultimately very beneficial for our learning.’
Mia S (11LJRE)